Tuesday 29 October 2013


Dear students
Create a 4 page informational brochure that gives information on how technology can be used in learning / teaching english. your brochure should give information for listening, reading, writing and speaking. you can give websites for additional help. you can check out the following websites for getting information.

1. check the websites and decide on how technology helps in acquiring language skills. give an introduction to your brochure

2. Each language skill should be given in detail. For example if it is reading, interactive reading from the following websites would be interesting to students.

3. Similar examples and suggestions should be given for all four skills

4. Try to make it comprehesive for all four skills
5. Acknowledge your sources


Monday 7 October 2013

Monday 23 September 2013

Compare and contrast group learning in face to face context and online context.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Assignment for I Assessment

Dear students
you need to submit an assignment on 'Relevance of Language Laboratory Today in learning a language'. you can refer the following websites for information on language labs. But your assignment should focus on how relevant language laboratories are today in learning a language with specific attention to tamilnadu. the materials you collect will give info about the labs but not the relevance.


Assignment should be submitted in hardcopy 5 - 6 pages. It has to be printed with 1.5 space. The deadline for the submission is 23rd september. Late submission is accepted till 25th but your marks will be reduced. if you submit it on 24th, you will get -2 and on 25th -4 from whatever mark you get for your assignment. kindly avoid late submission.

comment on any one of the articles / link given above. your comment can be brief, but you have to comment.


Friday 30 August 2013

Choose any three web 2.0 tools and explain it in brief. Also include how these can be used in classroom teaching or language learning. (it can be all three or any one)

P.S: those who have posted ur comments in the earlier post pls repost your comment in this section.

Wednesday 21 August 2013


Pls check the following links and give your opinion on them. http://edtechreview.in/event/502-transforming-indian-education-with-moocs https://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=massive-open-online-courses-transform-higher-education-and-science&page=2